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Karla's back in the news...with a new book (Americans click here)on the easy prison life she's had. This book is the subject of much controversy to say the least. Part of the plea bargain stated she was not to profit from the crime. It remains to be seen if she'll receive any type of compensation for the book.
coverIhave my theories on why they won't reopen the deal with the devil. My main idea is that if they do, it will unravel the case against PaulBernardo.  He is currently appealing his case anyway, based on thefact that Karla's battered wife syndrome case is fake.

Read the book Invisible darkness by Stephen Williams (Americans click here). As far as I'm concerned, this case ain't over yet. When the AG mustersthe courage to re-open her case, it's clear that Karla Homolka murderedall three girls.

Clearly,she directly caused the death of her sister, by administering the halcionpills and halothane rag directly on her face, causing the severe burn.It's a direct result of this lethal mix of chemicals that caused her tochoke on her vomit.

Theother two deaths are not documented, so it's her word against Paul's. Allthe circumstantial evidence points to her, however. Since Mahaffey diedof asphyxiation, the evidence of two bruise impressions in her back suggestKarla knelt on it, holding her head down into a pillow.

Similarily,French did not die of ligature strangulation. There was blood in her airway,and she was severely battered about the head. Karla couldn't account forthis, not even blaming Paul. Circumstantial evidence points to Karla, whoadmitted guarding French with the mallet. The battering is consistent withthis mallet, which would have caused the intake of the blood from her nose,mouth, and face. There is no evidence supporting death by strangulation-- although there is evidence of abrasions caused by the ligature, thatKarla said was tied to the hope chest to French's neck.

Folks,we have a histrionic (stage playing), psychopathic, hybristophile (someonewho is sexually turned on only by a partner with a history of rape andpillage). Karla is #NOT# the pseudo- psycho- compliant-battered-post-traumatically-stressed-outotherwise-nice-girl victim that the Bernardo prosecution portrayed.

KarlaHomolka is eligible parole now.  She's trying to get out and leada normal life. You have a right to be mad. The Ontario Attorney Generalis the only man with the power to do something.

Tellhim he should.

If youare unhappy at the Homolka deal, and are either in favor of


then sign our protest and we'll fax the results to the Premier and AG.  E-mail the AG yourself,by clicking here.

Include your name and any other comment you want sent to the Government. A copywill also go to the various Toronto media outlets, so be warned/encouraged.
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